I don't know how to live

I am 22, and I feel hopeless everyday. My life is going nowhere. I am a very awkward person when it comes to social interactions, I suffer from social anxiety and a blank mind. Basically its really hard for me to come up with ideas or things to talk about during conversation. I lost my job about 8 months ago because the store closed down. And since then I've been unemployed. I feel so depressed. Even though don't have clinical depression, I can't remember the last time I enjoyed life even for a second. I don't even think about having a gf, I have up on reproduction long time ago. I just want to live on my own and not depend on my parents. I just want to be self sufficient. I don't want to be rich I just wanna take care of myself and if possible give back to others. I hate myself so much even though I don't cut myself or anything.. inside I feel so wounded. and the sad part is there is sooo many people is real tragic situations out there and I am here living is a country like America with all the resources and yet acting like a bich. Can't come up with any ideas or plans for a good life. what a loser huh lol

/r/depression Thread