Don't Let the Alt-Right Fool You: Journalism Isn't Doxing

Journalism is doing better than ever because the people with money and brains are the ones who care about good journalism. The people who are stupid and broke and screwed are the ones trashing it.

This isn't an exaggeration. Look at the distribution of output for the US economy:

  • The 500 counties that voted Clinton generated 64% of output
  • more than The 2,600 counties that voted Trump generated 36%

The future of the country resides in blue states like California and particularly in educated urban centers, which are only going to get stronger as new college graduates flock to them and the economics of urban centers are improved by technologies like solar and green buildings and self-driving cars (no more parking lots).

What this means is that flyover country is REALLY becoming flyover country as the smart people empty out and these giant swathes of the country become even more fucked.

Right now that fucked area of the country still has demographic clout, and a power base for the right wing media complex which generates advertising dollars off backwardness, racism and resentment.

But the entire future of the country, of the USA as a whole, resides in the blue states and the urban centers, and the percentage of the population which voted for Clinton, not Trump, with a surplus of more than 3 million votes.

Journalism is doing fine, in other words, because good journalism continues to be appreciated -- by the portion of the country with brains and money -- while it's the backwards racist shitheads who are trashing it.

Fuck' em, the country -- and journalism on the whole -- doesn't need them. They punch above their weight by virtue of assholes having the loudest voice. But the money and the brains and the economic output, which remains on the side of decency in America, remains quietly stronger.

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