Don't listen to John McAfee

It's not a time machine. It just checks Mr McAfee's newest tweet every 900 milliseconds, and if Coin of the Day is announced, it detects the symbol mentioned in that coin and buys that market.

After 1.6 seconds after his tweet announcement, I have already purchased and placed an order at price 1.8 times higher than the price before the pump. Today, I bought at 3800-3900 sat, sold at 7600 (which was the highest point of the pump lolol) and again at 6500.

I used this McAfee bot symbiotically with my main bot, which is a lot more complex and more comprehensive, which runs 24/7 on Amazon web service, keeping track of the tiniest bit of movements as well as general trend of all the markets on Bittrex, Poloniex, Binance, Bitfinex and several non-American exchanges for the last 13 days (very long term), the last 3 days (long term), the last 24 hours (medium term), the last 12 hours (short term), the last 4 hours (very short term), the last one hour (very very short term) and the last 10 minutes (extremely short term). HMQ was actually one of the markets that was among the higher part of the "suspicious markets" list generated by this main bot in the "very long term", "long term", "medium term", "short term", "very short term" and "very very short term" categories.

/r/CryptoMarkets Thread Parent