We don't need a generational culture war. We need a class war.

Yes, it would be nice if 'all generations' came together. But Millennials have been making this case for a decade now, and Boomers have wanted nothing to do with it. So that's that. Frankly, as an older millennial, I'm glad gen Z has the sass and the edge to turn this sort of thing on its head, even if just for shits and giggles online. Because at the end of the day, there isn't anything slur or ageist about saying 'ok boomer.' It's simply a call to stop trying to appeal to a generation of which many are far too gone, entrenched in cold-war propaganda and neoliberal gospel to give a second's notice that they are leading this planet to its doom. This is hardly inciting a 'generational' war. It's more of a way to say 'stop telling me about a world you know nothing about, so I can get on with struggling within it.' You can have both, by the way; a class war, and a war on the complacency of a generation that gifted us the 30 years of neoliberal, neoconservative, warmongering pricks who had bankrupted our future and are gloating about it, now. No, not every single boomer was running from the bank with a bag of cash. But every single boomer had a hand in allowing us to get to this point. To not at the very least understand their responsibility in getting us here, is to not even try and understand why we have a shitty government. You understand the boomer mindset, and suddenly you understand our current government. And young people have been paying attention. But the boomers on the other hand, have not taken any time to listen sincerely to the voice coming up behind them. So, 'ok boomer' is a mere dismissal of their consent. Younger people will have to derail the runaway train themselves... apparently.

/r/lostgeneration Thread Link - i.redd.it