I don't know why people do this.

You're actually the bully here . So the other dudes got there first, they were already 5 so they couldn't invite you, and you tag it first bc you're a special snowflake and your play time is more important than the others who got there first? I've encountered several players like you, actual PoS that don't have any respect towards others and think they're more important than the others. And then you come to Reddit for what? To laugh at them ? "Oh hehehehe I'm such a scumbag, instead of being an actual honest human being that respect others, I couldn't give a shit if others got there first, I tagged the mob first bc mommy told me I'm a special boy, let the others wait another 15min for it to respawn a 2nd time, while I make a post on Reddit , I'll sure have other PoS upvoting me and making fun of the dudes that have to wait for the mob again hehehehe"

It's because of people like you that server fame actual matter. You may think it's funny right now but remember, there's no cross realm here so everytime you do shit like this people will put you on ignore and spread the shit you have some, so others will ignore you too. In a couple of days, enjoy playing the game alone since no one wants you

/r/classicwow Thread Link - i.redd.it