Something something /u/sevpay
Traditional ---E
Left Handed 3---
Fancy ---{
/u/cubicApocalypse 's Torchfork ----E~
/u/JakeSnake07 's NAZI -----卐
/u/TheRedKIller 's Russian Э------ Russian Right Handed ------Є
/u/PigEqualsBakon 's Nobles' straight fork; Perfect for stabbing, witch hunting, dueling and more! •--)-------<
/u/Rinaldootje 's Freedom star: The perfect modern day model for all your pitchforking needs, left right and Center. -----H-
/u/ChromeLynx 's 2x3dent 3----E
/u/Hargrave_McSwagpants 's twin beam scythe ___))
/u/JakeSnake07 's Triple-Bladed Scythe ______)))
/u/SirRolex 's Broken one --~-F
/u/SirRolex 's German model -----π
/u/SirRolex 's Swedish Long Fork "Børk Førk" (its more of a pacifist's weapon) ------------------ø
/u/sevpay 's Episode 7 lightsabers --|====
/u/Why_Did_It_Stop 's Sith Lord ----=
/u/nm1043 's Sith Lord + +---=
/u/Has_Xray_Glasses 's The "BIG OP" ===¥
/u/Has_Xray_Glasses 's Asian ~-~+
/u/ICanOnlyDrawPenises 's Floppy Rod 8===D
/u/sevpay 's Triple Dick [8==D --------8==D 8==D
/u/Autobot248 's Lady Forklorn 0~---~<>€E
/u/sevpay 's Traditional up the ass ---(E)( )
/u/PringlesXD 's Single Character ♆
/u/ahtnos 's Historical Forks Early Ethiopia ሖ ሔ ሗ Standard Ethiopia ሐ Chinese ⼬ Han Dynasty 㐱----- Ornamental Han Dynasty 㚉==--- Greek ~~ε ~~+ξ -----ϵ Roman Military -----Æ Late Roman ----æ
/u/WorstPlayerHere 's Swedish Shovel/Pitchfork -----Ö
/u/LanceWindmil 's Trident fork //====>
=======:::::::======(O)=====> \
/u/Blindirishgirl 's Rotorhandle ︹︺︹︺︹︴
/u/ChromeLynx 's Fork X X _/ X | X --+--E
/u/DigbyMayor 's Auto-Assault fork ---o--- o-|-----E
/u/Cedarfang 's Double Sided Ǝ--------E
/u/Pheynes 's Halal pitchforks —————ع —————ح
/u/Pheynes 's Halal knife/forks ٢ ٣ ٦ ١
/u/Pheynes 's kosher pitchforks ב————— כ—————
/u/Pheynes 's kosher knives and forks ע ץ ז ו ן
/u/AssFromThePast 's Ancient Greatfork o---((======E
/u/silentclowd 's Spin Doctor -----§
/u/DigbyMayor 's Flail Fork ---~~~☼
/u/buzz120 's Fleshlight ----3
/u/buzz120 's Cleaner Fork 7----
/u/buzz120 's Pacifist "Fork" --------|
/u/buzz120 's Broken Fork !------
/u/Dominus2 's Swinger ------H
/u/bleekicker 's Bigass Pitchfork _____
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_____ _____ _____ _____ ___| | (||||) _) | |_
/u/AbusedAlarmClock 's Bling Fork —————$
/u/ODeletedO 's Formula Fork ---------Σ
/u/ODeletedO 's Futuristic Fork ---------Ξ
/u/ODeletedO 's Xi ---------ξ
/u/DigbyMayor 's Forkchucks Ǝ---~---~---E
/u/Noahsaures 's Fork-swatter ---#
/u/Daigeil 's 2-Handled Chunk ======C
/u/Emperor_Rancor 's 4-Prong -----╪
/u/DigbyMayor 's Telekinetifork (Ravenor Special) E
/u/ChromeLynx 's Imperious Culling Fork 3------O
/u/TerribleTwelve 's North Korean Pitchforks ㅡㅌ ㅡㄷ ㅋㅡ 크ㅡㅡ ㅡㅡ트