"I don't really listen to metal anymore" starter pack

Death In June is the text book definition of musical cancer.

Infiltrating a good genre that isn't very political like post punk with hypocritical and horrible Statist views is terrible and only will cause the genre to become polluted by this, much like Death Metal (though it is slowly recovering).

"They are sometimes considered controversial (largely due to usage of themes and imagery relating to Nazi Germany)." " the particular version used by Death in June is a modified, faintly grinning version of the SS insignia, Pearce has stated the symbolism is clear: "The Totenkopf for Death, and the six for the sixth month - June."" "Three parallel, up-standing vertical bars accompanied by a small six in the lower right corner. Although a very basic symbol, this symbol likely originates, for the use of Death in June, from the 1943 Kursk version of the insignia of the 3rd SS Panzer Division Totenkopf. " "Detractors have accused Death in June of harboring neo-Nazi sympathies. Pearce has said, "At the start of the eighties, Tony and I were involved in radical left politics and beneath it history students. In search of a political view for the future we came across National Bolshevism which is closely connected with the Sturmabteilung hierarchy. "

I listened to three of their songs and they sound nothing like Joy Divisions, I'd wager they're not even post punk now, definitely neofolk, however.

I'm not saying you're authoritarian, i'm saying they are, and that I disagree with them.

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