Why don't you get rid of it and get another one?

Hi nikkisa,

I have three kids with varying levels of Autism. I didn't know this until years after they were born.

My mother suggested that I put my oldest in a home. I was in my early 40s when, surprise, I was pregnant with my third. My mother suggested that I either terminate him, or give him up for adoption. Yeah... no. Not gonna happen.

My oldest is a blessing. Kind, helpful, and just a great guy overall.

My middle child moved out a few years ago and is doing amazingly well. Job, friends, SO, and happy.

My third is a typical teenager. He has a few issues at school... easily upset, and bullied for being different, but loves gaming and has a lot of online friends.

I love my kids as they are and wouldn't put any of them in a home, or otherwise get rid of them. Kids with disabilities are the same as 'normal' kids. They respond to unconditional love, patience, and understanding.

I've told my kids the following, and I mean every word: When I was pregnant I prayed and begged every night that my kids wouldn't be like me (unpopular, made fun of, beat up, ostracized by classmates... the list goes on.

I tell my kids that they are blessings, and better than I prayed for. I could go on to explain why but that will take another page. Lol

Disability or not, that will be your child, and (hopefully) you'll fall in love with him or her as soon as you lay eyes on that tiny miracle that you created.

If you're not ready, that's your business and nobody else's. All I'll say is that no matter what, my children amaze me, and I'm glad that I ignored the 'advice' that people so freely doled out.

Just, please, make sure that you can support your baby, with or without a disability. Too many disabled children are tossed aside, given up, terminated, when they are capable of returning the love you give.

Thanks for putting up with my rant

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