Why don't we shut down EVERYTHING for 14 days?

Hmm, I find that very interesting.

I truly believe these end of the world theories are mostly fueled by anxiety.

If we’re being rational (and no, I’m not trying to discount any life, but let’s be real): most people are going to be fine. If you get it at all, you will PROBABLY be sick, and it will suck, but you won’t die.

There is no reason Mx as things stand right now, to believe this is the end of society.

However, I think subs like this fuel that belief. It’s an echo chamber of negativity, tinged with conspiracy and prepped talk (not rational prepping, but “grab some firearms and defend your bunkers” preps) and I think that feedback loop makes everything seem SO much worse.

But again, as things stand right now, there’s no reason to believe this is it. We have ALWAYS been obsessed with the end times. You can go back to any point in history and find people who think “this is it”. The truth is a bit more boring.

A lot of us will be fine, some will get sick, some will have to be in the hospital (which sucks), a very small amount comparatively will die (which is a shame), and society will chug along because it always does.

/r/Coronavirus Thread Parent