I don't want to be a stereotype, but the fact that I will never pass is giving me little choice.

I don't know what to tell you, I feel like I'm living in wait for bone surgeries. I'm sure that the technology will be possible, someday.

But I sadly might not live to see that someday. And it's better to enjoy the here and now, rather than live in hopes and dreams of tomorrow that might never come.

One possibility is to try to make the future happen, and contribute to it with raising awareness for future medicine and sciences, funding them, or learning how they work and being a part of them.

There's also a lot of things that people can do to work with their bone structure, and there's more to transitioning and tools for transitioning than HRT.

But being stuck with bones or a bone structure you don't like is no fun, though. Desperately wish I could be smaller, shorter, and more petite. It's so unfair to be able to change so many things about yourself, but not this.

I wish I knew what to tell you, because I suffer from low self esteem, low confidence, and all sorts of other issues.

I will say to try to focus on the things you can change, and dwell on things you can't, unless you're planning to make technological innovations in cosmetic surgery happen yourself. You can take initiative to make change, but if there's something you have no control over, it won't help anything to focus and dwell on it.

And to focus on the things you do like about your body or the things you have changed or can change. And take joy and happiness in how far you've come and what you can do.

It's probably not super healthy for me, but I spend a lot of time on /r/Futurology and Futurology and Transhumanist related places. Since they make me so optimistic for the future being so much better than it is today. With the way people talk about "exponential technology and progress", it starts to make me think that almost anything is possible in the future. And that my wildest dreams can come true. And that, someday, not only will I be young, vibrant, and healthy, when I'm old. But I'll be able to have any body I've ever hoped and dreamed of having, down to the tiniest details, my body will reflect who I am and what I want my body to be.

Though I don't think that I should recommend that to you or anyone else. As much as I want to get more people engaged in excitement for future technologies. Because I think that, for me, it may reflect a bit of escapism and anomie with the world around me, a fundamental lack of satisfaction with the reality of the present. And my own lack of self esteem and mental issues.

It's one of the ways I've found to cope with a lack of happiness in my body. And escapist hobbies like video games and anime.

I wish the best for you. And I'm sorry I wasn't able to share more helpful advice.

/r/asktransgender Thread