Don't talk the talk, if you can't walk the walk

The philosophies you learn from trp are about self improvement and happiness for all men. You could even say some of the principles can be used by women too depending on the context.

Many of us grew up without father figures. No one to give us proper guidance and knowledge about what it means to be a man. Everywhere you turn you see strong women making a stand against the oppressive men that held them down but in reality the gender roles set up weren't arbitrary, they were a reflection of human nature. Testosterone and estrogen are different, thus men and women are different. In the context of biology there is nothing in nature that is equal and different. Those two words by definition contradict each other.

Yes there were abusive men out there misusing their power but what needs to be understood is there are always going to be shitty people. I don't hate women I love them. I mean wtf why would I do so much research on trying to understand and coexist with a group of people I hate!?

The anger and the animosity towards women is horrible but what needs to be examined is WHY do some men feel this way? If you were raised in a female run household you were taught to care for and protect women at all costs. Feminists misinterpret that as us being condescending but it's a genuine desire to want to care for and protect the women in our lives. We go out there and talk to these women the way we were told by our mothers and faced constant rejection after rejection and breakup after breakup while the asshole who showed contempt for women got all the girls.

This is such a common occurrence that the slogan nice guys finish last has been imbedded into our culture. So some men build up resentment and have become that asshole that they once hated but it's just a phase, you can't change your nature. If you are a good guy sooner or later living a life of hatred will take its toll.

As those people who post hate filled comments grow and internalize these concepts they learn balance and that hate turns into understanding and compassion. You don't have to be a dick to get women, you just can't be a pussy.

/r/TheRedPill Thread