I don't want to thirst you.

Only the cry babies who can't hold their own, cry about being thirsted. Get better at the game and you won't be thirsted. Whining and constantly making suggestions isn't going to fix jack shit.

I'm just so sick of this honor code bullshit. And then you have people crying about disrespected? I couldn't give 2 fucks, if I get downed and thirsted. My fault for being a dumb ass or getting outplayed, simple.

With this 50 Health thing, thirsting has never been so great. I can feel the energy of those ttv idiots or kids yelling "he's gonna finish me" and rage like mad. It gives so much satisfaction. They be pissed off as shit and I be laughing and give them the Intensity emote. Pointing the finger up as "back to the lobby you go".

/r/FortNiteBR Thread