I don't understand people who say they don't want to be stuck in a 9-5 cubicle job, it's the greatest thing in the world imo.

Cubicle jobs are insecure. Every one I've ever had is gone. Even if it ended after I moved on. Every week there are people all over the country, maybe the world, on a conference call looking at powerpoints of excel, deciding where they can find a nickel of profit for the quarter. Everybody on that conference call wants to make their mark and earn their continuing spot on the call. Somebody will say, "Can't we transfer the calls in Memphis to the Denver and Seattle locations and shut down that center? Some of those people have been there a long time. Their salaries are high and they are getting pretty vested in retirement. Cut those positions and overhead."

Doesn't even matter if you do good work. They'll claim the building is jacking them on the lease or something, not caring that everyone knows they're lying because they people swinging the axe are a thousand miles away.

/r/CasualConversation Thread