I don't understand the psychology of trading in crypto

You should have bought some Bitcoin and held for 5-7 years.

The same thing goes for Ripple and TRON, TRON gets listed on more and more exchanges, more and more popular exchanges, nothing happens. Is it just a lottery pick and it just depends who's coins name gets pulled out of a bucket for a pump?

Pretty much. Which is why you shouldn't be short term trading crypto, its akin to gambling. Hypecoin like Tron are pumped and then dumped. Its not investing, its not based on logic.

"Hodling" for 5 years is just blindly and naively thinking you'll have a higher return on your investment later on, when in reality, making money on an investment every 2-3 months (not days or hours), and moving it to a different investment, is the smarter way to do it.

No, holding something which you have researched and fundamentally determined a valuation for is not "naive". If something has an inherent value in alleviating some transactional problem or ineffiency, and if its well positioned within the emerging market to actually provide that expected future utility, you aren't "blindly and naively thinking" that it will increase in value in the long term. This is how investing works, you find an undervalued asset whose long term potential and net present value of future utility (or cash flows for equity) is currently below the market price.

What you describe, jumping from crypto to crypto chasing the next pump and just hoping the next piece of news will sound good enough to entice more idiots into buying Tron isn't investing. Its a great way to lose money.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread