"I don't wear makeup like OTHER girls"

If I ever meet a woman who says that they don't get along with other women or that they're not like other girls I instantly have sirens going off in my head that tells me to run far away from that woman.

I had/have hobbies that generally seems to attract more guys than girls, but in my nerdy group of friends there were quite a lot of girls because once a couple find a place and are welcomed into that sort of space, others feel it's more safe to join too. Every once in a while one of these girls would appear that thought she was gods gift to dudes because she liked D&D, not expecting to meet a single other girl there and being real bothered at how many there actually were and that they weren't going to be the "Queen Bee" in a pile of dudes after all. That didn't mean that they didn't try tho and it was always such a mess..

Also, here's something that's been bothering me in regards to this; Girls aren't the ones who come in between guy friends. Like that old trope of a gang of guys being SUPER best mates and then a girl comes along and ruins everything with her devil vagina? Nah mate. Y'know how ready most guys are to fuck their mates off if they think it might get them laid? Seriously, we don't even have to ask that of them, they fucking offer! Sometimes they'll do it even if you tell them "absolutly not" because they think you're shit testing them. I swear, with how competative some dudes seem to become, it's more of a struggle to get you to act decently to one and other than it is to just let you tear each other to shreds.. Point is; Stop blaming women for this shit and pick mates who won't turn their back on you as soon as pussy presents itself.

/r/quityourbullshit Thread Link - i.redd.it