I Don't Wear Sunscreen. I know nothing about how to treat and take care of my skin. Help please.

Welcome to skincareaddiction! You should read through everything on the sidebar and the wiki (accessible from your computer) when you have the time. It’s the best way to improve your skin.

Focus particularly on these sections:

Finding Products that work for you:

Background knowledge needed to select your products:

How to address additional issues you may deal with:

I know it’s a lot, but there really are no short cuts. People can’t just recommend products for you. You have to figure out what is wrong with your skin and use that information to find products that work. Let us know if you have any questions after reading through all of the links. If you ask for help without reading though, people are just going to redirect you back to the links (with data that took months to compile) or give you vague, unhelpful answers.

/r/SkincareAddiction Thread