I don't know what I want.

My client discovered his wife’s affair. It was with a mutual married friend. He told her that they were going to a coffee shop to discuss the path going forward, instead he drove to APs house. He dragged her to the door, and told the entire tawdry thing to APs wife. She has a shit fit and starts haranguing WW. My client breezes past and hears AP in the kitchen with his kids. AP stands and extends his hand. Last thing he heard was, “You fucked my wife, now you pay” He proceeded to humiliate AP in front of his kids, saying this is what happens to weak cowards. Tells the that their daddy is lower than dirt and mommy is going to kick him out. AP is crying and huddled in a corner. BW walks in and says your wife is going to need a dentist and a gynaecologist. WW is sprawled in their hallway, groaning and bleeding. BH picks her up and drives her to her dads. Tells her father everything. She wakes up a few hours later on her dads couch. He asks her how it feels for your life to be over. It then hits her. She calls her BH over and over. No dice. She accepted service of her divorce. He ghosted her, sent the settlement over. Her dad made her sign it and give him whatever he wanted. Next time she saw hair was four years later with another woman putting an infant in a car seat. She signed herself onto a psych ward

/r/Infidelity Thread