I don't know what to do

I used to be in the Army so I understand the pressure she's under. I had already done all of that and I was providing her resources and when she started distancing herself I thought maybe if I just show I'm here to support her and just see her when I get back that everything will be fine, obviously it didn't turn out that way. I've really just been focusing on work and planning out my days so I don't run out of stuff to do but instead have a healthy amount of things to do every day. I'm trying not to take it personal. After my last break up I did. I wondered what all I could've done better and eventually I realized that the problem didn't lie with me. I try to be self aware and to take the time to look at myself and make sure I'm doing the right thing. I can say that I did my best to do right by her and be a good guy so knowing that it wasn't just me gives me peace of mind. But you're right.. it clearly wasn't 50/50 in the emotional aspect like I had thought and I think that's the hardest pill to swallow

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