I don't know what to do anymore

we're talking about over the season, not just a ten game stretch. I lost about 400 points in rank because of some bad decisions on my team, bad luck with mercies just surviving long enough to Rez, and sometimes leavers. I kept playing and I've made up about 200 points of that.

Like literally anything in life that you have to work with other people on, you have to do your best and then see if other people need help to do their job better.

As an example, I've played a decent amount of zen. I play tanks more but sometimes we get instant locks and zen is my next favorite. If I'm dying a lot, it might not matter that our zarya or Mcree is knocking down tanks and then dying to our dps. Instead, when I start getting targeted I'll ask Mcree to stay back or zarya to bubble me, I survive and then we all take on the team together. Communicate with each other, ask/give help when needed, and think about why the team is losing, not why someone else isn't doing their job or how much everyone sucks. Sometimes you have to change what your personal meaning of success is in order to win and climb.

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