I dont know what to do. Help?

Thank you for the advice. I feel the only way I can better my self is finishing my schooling. I just got my school transcript today. It's incomplete missing a year of schooling. It will hopefully be enough to enroll me so I have something to do. My appointment is tuesday. Courses start in november. As for how to support myself. I aged out of foster care. There is a program called AYA. Its purpose is to support youth who are in enrolled in school full time, attending job training, Or in rehab. The application process takes about 2 weeks. I made some adjustments to my tent to hopefully stay drier inside. Today I visited with my mother. I got my extra blankets from there. I just seen my outreach worker. My BCid came in yesterday. He also sent off the application for my new birth certificate. I have considered counselling. I feel like I have ptsd. I'm no doctor but I know what I feel. To my understanding there is little treatment options. I have had counselling before. Thinking back on it now. I think she suspected I have ptsd. I was only a child then. So she didn't outright tell me how what she thought. I do wished I asked in hindsight. She did help me find coping mechanisms that work for me. So I guess she knew I'd need them. As of right now I feel I'm coping just fine. I'm about 2 months sober from alcohol. The last time I got high was yesterday if you count weed. If not then it goes up to 7 months ago. I don't plan on breaking that streak. In the immediate next few weeks I was thinking of showering late at a homeless drop in. Then waiting till the morning and going to work. It's the most comfortable plan I can come up with. With the possibility of getting a gym membership from my local municipality gym. Other than that It's just another day gone by. Hopefully by tuesday I will have more to do.

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