I don't know who needs to hear this..

I know this is meant to be wholesome but it is a bad mentality to constantly be waiting for that abstract time in the future when everything will be perfect. No point in your life will be perfect. You aren't suffering now to have it easy later. Enjoy what you have while you have it and work hard so tomorrow you reap what you sowed. I'm currently in my second long distance relationship and there is nothing more appealing than the idea of one day waking up everyday next to that person instead of being miles away. But when I only focus on what I could have, you don't enjoy the time I get to spend with my girlfriend now and I end up wasting my life wishing. Some people need this don't give up message but others need to hear your life is only as good as you accept it to be.

/r/wholesomememes Thread Link - i.redd.it