Double standards

Only in the western world and by white men? No! Try the Arab world and middle east on for size

No one said only the western world, this is just you trying to change the goalposts.

Were women treated differently in our historical past.

Nope, not just "differently". Inferior.

The question you’re failing to address is WHY?

you're actually trying to justify the removal of women's right to vote? this makes literally no sense unless you're a sexist person or someone who still doesn't understand why women not having the right to vote is kinda really fucking important. also, just fyi, it wasn't just the law that said women were inferior either, Greek philosophers (which obviously Romans revered and was a massive influence on the entire Hellenistic world) routinely said women were of inferior intellect.

People were not educated like today and men who were strong and willing to fight and die

False. men who were intelligent, well spoken orators and writers, who had leadership qualities, etc. were all well valued in Ancient Greek and Roman societies. On top of that, women were mocked for being too outspoken, and their cognitive abilities and intellect were put down frequently by the people with the most influence on Greek and Roman society (duhh, it was a core part of their society)

Example of woman being told to shut up because "speech is for men":

Go, then, within the house and busy yourself with your daily duties, your loom, your distaff, and the ordering of your servants; for speech is man's matter, and mine above all others- for it is I who am master here." - Homer, The Odyssey, book 1


"as regards the sexes, the male is by nature superior and the female inferior, the male ruler and the female subject"


"Among the barbarians the female and the slave have the same status. This is because there are no natural rulers among them.."


“A woman’s natural potential for virtue is inferior to a man’s, so she’s proportionately a greater danger, perhaps even twice as great.”

“It is only males who are created directly by the gods and are given souls. Those who live rightly return to the stars, but those who are ‘cowards or [lead unrighteous lives] may with reason be supposed to have changed into the nature of women in the second generation’. This downward progress may continue through successive reincarnations unless reversed. In this situation, obviously it is only men who are complete human beings and can hope for ultimate fulfilment; the best a woman can hope for is to become a man”

“Women share by nature in every way of life just as men do, but in all of them women are weaker than men.”

Things like “agency”

oh yeah, how could i forget, agency is SO overrated

different time in history.

right lmao so everything else (technology, philosophy, language, genetics, etc) evolves over thousands of years but in your universe somehow we went from half of the population being legally unable to vote or go to university to suddenly considered and respected as perfectly equal in all manners. Just poOof and magically, over a single lifetime, equality achieved. lol get real dude, you're either extremely ignorant or extremely disingenuous. actually, based on your last sentence, i'd say you're definitely a bit of both. --> r/AskFeminists

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