Doubts Hitting Hard

I think that both twins act as a mirror to others more than your normal, run of the mill, human being lol

So you should know that you have the same affect.

With that being said, I empathize with your feelings in a similar way - I felt that the person I considered to be my tf was using me as a distraction from other people he was dating or had feelings for. Or he would use me to make them jealous, in hopes of drawing them in closer to him, only to discard me.

That was one of the many storylines I told myself. Could it be true? Omg. For sure. Could it also not be true? Also, yes.

You could try: -Asking yourself if this is a similar scenario you might have played out (in one way or another) in your previous relationships or attachments?

-taking everything into perspective via writing it down in very matter of fact ways. i.e. separate what you think your intuition is telling you about this situation Vs. What your fears are surrounding the situation Vs. What repeating patterns and negative thought forms might be showing up Vs. The unknowns of the situation Vs the objective truths of the situation

I created a worksheet inventory that I use when I’m stuck in my head and it’s a more organized version of everything I just listed above - if you’re interested you can dm me I can send you a link to make a copy.

/r/twinflames Thread