Douglas High School Shooting in Parkland, Florida

maybe it's not all voyeurism?

Most of it is. Around 2011-2012, socially media started to explode. Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, and other social media or tech sites had been around for a few years but during this year or two it all started to go mainstream and blow up and social media usage and presence is probably the defining feature of possibly an entire generation (millenials) and it's extending beyond them as well.

It has changed the world for better or worse. I'm sure there are studies that get into the effects that social media has on our lives but it's not hard to understand how being connected to other people almost all the time through computers, phones, websites, television, etc., is very phenomenal by definition.

I wouldn't be surprised if the biggest thing driving social media use and at-your-fingertips tech is the pursuit of ego gratification.

When you have upvotes, like buttons, favorite buttons, and whatever else out there that lets you actually keep statistics, score, and quantify how much people like you or hate you based on what you contribute through social media then you've created something that warrants serious attention as far as human behavior goes.

Speaking to the voyeurism angle, just the nature of being constantly connected and having the ability to capture moments in a snap through video, audio, or images turns things into a game for some people and it's probably not a good thing.

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