Dow drops 653 points in worst Christmas Eve trading day ever

I recognize that you can pretty much buy anytime and will probably gain if you are holding for 15-20 years or more. But I guess I just feel like we have a long way to go to bottom, so I'm staying in fixed until we at least get some positive news. Things are really uncertain right now. I know no one can really tell when the bottom is, and time in the market is better than timing the market and all that, but with how sensitive the markets have been to the tiniest bit of news and with the trade war still uncertain, the presidency still uncertain, brexit still uncertain, tech company regulations ramped up, high-profile arrests, geo-political unrest, government shutdown. It just doesn't make sense to me to just start buying in until we get a bit more stability in the world.

Stocks have been and still are overvalued imo and I'd rather be able to use my limited capital to get that many more shares buying sometime in the next few weeks or months instead of buying now thinking this is cheap. This could very well be expensive compared to where it could be in a couple years...

My biggest concern is that we keep dropping and then stabilize somewhere sub 20,000 points DOW and then only gradually climb back above 25,000 over the next 3-5 years.

Keep in mind I only have money in my 401k and I'm 30, so my vested interest in this whole thing is pretty minimal at the moment. I was really aggressive for the first couple years I started contributing, but right now I'm just going to get my 100% return from my employer match, sit in fixed and get a bit below 3% return annually, and wait until we actually get some semblance of positive news.

I'm certain I'll have a slew of people saying if I'm only 30 then I should just dollar-cost average and just ignore the news since I don't have to w/d until I'm 65, but I really just feel that stocks are WAY overvalued still and it seems more beneficial to me to just let them deflate first.

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