[DP26] - Ishizu's Cards

Let me just say this.

Fuck the TCG’s incessant need to make every single thing a DM product, because there is absolutely no way in hell this isn’t influenced by that.

Like this is DP DARK Rage of Ra all over again.

Let’s ignore the obvious, popular choices! Instead, let’s shove in two mediocre DM themes and shaft every other series!

Hell, this is also a repeat of CP - Duelists of Destiny AKA Dragons of Legend 2.

Make the fanbase think there’s going to be equal support for all series.

Then say that there’s only DM/GX/ARC-V. Then it turns out that the “GX” support is just support for DM themes again.

Hell, it even has the “oh let’s shove in two female duelists to try and get that waifu tax” mentality of that set.

Yes, DM is the most popular series. Being the original and having 20+ years of exposure will do that to ya.

FFS Konami stop trying repeat your worst products.

/r/yugioh Thread Link - yu-gi-oh.jp