Dr.K would have lost more then his job if he talked about men's issues & suicide

I work in a tech company.

We had a meeting where our "inclusivity" team gave a presentation on how they're working to "diversify" their teams.


Well in the middle of the presentation, the girl giving it was like "we've helped a lot of teams diversify. Just last month, the tech support team came and said 'Can you help us? We have too many White males on this team!' And I was like 'Oh yeah. We get that all the time, haha!'

And everyone laughed at the shared joke of "too many men in this company."

My company rates among the highest in the country (think top 5) in terms of 'equality and diversity,' and has for like a decade now. There's a women's leadership group that gets funds from the company, and shit all for men.

Women's month? Constant emails about great women etc. The rest of the year? Maybe a quote or 2 from like einstein or something.

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