Dr. Younan Nowzaradan of ‘My 600-lb Life’ a Conservative Hero -- To save the lives of morbidly obese Americans, he does something shocking and countercultural: He tells the truth and demands accountability.

This doctor is a jerk. What the hell is wrong with people.

First of all, these people are addicted to food. It is a real addiction, no different than a drug addiction or alcohol addiction. Especially when it comes to sugar. Food addiction has physical and psychological components; when people are addicted to carbs or sugar, they feel physically awful when they stop eating it and go through withdrawals.

Second, most of the people on the show have serious mental issues and deal with their underlying psychological problems using food. This again is similar to what many drug addicts do. A lot of the people on the show talk about being raped as a child or being abandoned or having something really traumatic happen in their lives. They are using food as a coping mechanism. It's not as easy to just "stop" eating when you don't have other coping mechanisms to replace it with. And this is not an easy thing to fix by seeing a therapist a few times. It is really, really hard and takes a lot of time and effort.

I bet that those of you in agreement with this doctor or making fun of these obese people are just LUCKY enough not to deal with food addiction. I have never been obese but was at one point was technically slightly overweight when I was younger and struggled with my eating habits. It was mentally and physically exhausting, almost like overcoming a serious drug addiction. If you have not had to deal with something like that, consider yourself lucky.

If addiction was so easy to treat then you wouldn't have thousands of people dying each year from drug overdoses. You would be able to tell an alcohol to just "stop" drinking. It would be easy. But the reality is different. And the reason that this doctor sucks at helping his patients is because he doesn't recognize that.

/r/Conservative Thread Link - nationalreview.com