[DRAMA] So Anita Saarkesian is talking at my university tonight...

Q & A: • Question: What is the effect that online harassment has had on your work? Answer: It has only caused her project to increase in its scope, mentioned planned series on masculinity in video games.

• Question: How to reach students who are hostile to the ideas and goals of feminism? Answer: Anita had no idea how to answer this. She considers teachers to be those who "plant the seed," and it is up to the individual to realize through an epiphany or through reason that their beliefs are wrong.

• Question: What narratives in other media aside from video games (books, movies, etc) that promote a positive portrayal of female characters? Answer: Anita had no answer to this question, other than that there was no one answer. Her actual quote was "I have no idea how to answer this question."

• Question: How do games compare to other media with the problems presented? Answer: "Games are pretty shitty right now," but progress is being made in the independent development scene.

• Question: How do you feel about the sexual dimorphism of depictions of aliens and fantasy creatures? Answer: She felt like the entire point of fantasy and science fiction is to explore the endless possibilities of non-binary gender roles and identities. (My paraphrasing)

• Question: Role of Japanese vs. American culture on these tropes. Answer: Anita said this was a loaded question, and that some will twist her words to mean that she does not like Japanese games, when that is not what she said. She said that there is sexism in both cultures.

• Question: Will you do other pop culture critiques after you finish on video games? Answer: "I don't think I will ever be entirely done with video games." For now, she will stick with video games, as it is a large industry with a wide user base. • Question: What are the roles of gamers in this massive social change? What can gamers do to bring more positive portrayals of women in video games? Answer: Remember that #gamergate are fans too, and they’re opposing these changes, wanting to maintain the “boy’s only club.” Gamers can demand more positive portrayals of women by pressuring developers. • Question: How do we write strong female characters without them being problematic? Answer: “Write women as human beings.” Audience stood and cheered. Anita commented on “believable” characters versus “realistic” characters. She recommended that developers hire female employees and ask them about their experiences as women (Not “Listen and Believe,” but rather “get ideas on how to write this character by getting ideas from someone of the same gender.” She said that there was a lack of women in STEM fields, including software development and technology, and that a “change of culture in these fields” was necessary to curb this trend. • Question: What has been your most rewarding experience in this undertaking? Answer: Anita was stunned at first, saying that she had never been asked this before. She answered that her most rewarding experience was being told “your work matters,” and receiving cheers of support in the face of all the hatred.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread