[Drama] FemFreq tries to get google to remove an Amazing Atheist critique video as a "random YouTube hate video", the Amazing Atheist responds on Twitter.

I didn't. Read it again.

You did. What is a Ponzi scheme? What makes Social Security not one? You answered neither of those questions.

It eliminated Glass Steagall which allowed banks to speculate with money that wasn't their own.

How? Explain exactly. Isn't what banks do already "speculating with money that isn't their own" when they give out mortgages in the first place? How isn't it?

Before, commercial banks and investment banks were separate

In America. In the rest of the world, they were never separated by any law. Explain.

Now, they can do exactly what caused the '29 meltdown which has far more risk. It was a law that repealed the banks who lobbied to do what they wanted.

Not a single economist on the planet, even Marxist ones, will say that Glass Steagall prevented what was responsible for the 29 crash. You are talking out of your ass.

And there you go ignoring 75 years of history... How utterly dishonest of you.

And there you go ignoring Bernie Madoff's profitable private hedge fund for 10 years.

That's the dumbest plan anyone can propose because as the old saying goes "What goes up, must come down"

The DOW is an index that closely tracks the total output of our economy. What you are saying is that our total economy must come down. (I agree, but then you are retarded for ignoring the fact that this must apply to Social Security too).

instead of having a safe place to put money (like I dunno... A bank?)

Putting your money in a bank is a guaranteed way to lose money. No bank offers rates that beat inflation. Money in a bank is losing value.

Oh, so wage workers... The ones that have no say in the stock market

You don't even know what the stock market is if you think wage workers have no say in it.

75 years and all you care about is economic royalty instead of the average worker who has few ways to make it and you want them to pay more to the rich.

Social Security is forcibly removing money from the average worker's paycheck, and he will receive none of it in 20 years. How fucking stupid can you be?

Rather than acknowledge the wealth divide and the many ways for the rich to get ahead, you'd kill off the most vulnerable members of society who have already paid into Social Security and would be solvent if the rich paid their fair share.

Why should the rich pay anything to Social Security? The rich can retire without it. So why would they pay in at all? Oh right, because that's how a Ponzi scheme works! Jesus Christ you said it yourself and you are too dumb to realize it.

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