[drama] My gf is the tumblrina who started #FullWheaton. Here's the story.

What the hell? I had to read all of the posts twice to figure out where this was even coming from. I didn't attack you, I didn't insult you. I actually pointed out how your experience may not be similar to mine and that my opinion may be different due to where we live and the people we've met. I merely disagreed with your statements... I didn't call you out. I didn't question your character. I disagreed with your view. You obviously live in a different country than I do, so that makes one hell of a difference to world view. You have to take that into consideration.

However, you insulted me. Badly too, you could have done worse than hairy ginger... not even accurate. I've seen a lot of good and bad come with these discussions about gamergate. I was trying to give a middle ground discussion and I don't understand why the people who try to promote a discussion between sides are the ones most harshly judged. I didn't pretend to have any moral ground. I didn't stand for feminism or anything else. I have time and again pointed out when my opinions are mine or my gf and I've been attacked and ridiculed by both pro and anti-gg.

If you read what I posted it doesn't sound at all like you made it out to be. I don't shame anyone for sexuality and I never have. I believe you were trying to say I shamed gender and in that situation I was referring to people I know personally, not everyone on reddit. I was just pointing out that your examples of male/female stereotypes are not just based in gender... there's much more to it than that.

Oh and your little thing about me shaming men. No, not even. My anecdote was concerning a group of men who would ogle women without talking to her and they would take turns giving her lines and asking her to go have sex or make out. No conversations were had. If they had walked up to the girl and actually tried to have a conversation and get to know her before telling her how good she looks that would be different.

There's a difference between "you look beautiful in that" or "I just wanted to tell you you look cute" vs "I like your tits" or "I'd tap that ass". One is attempting to compliment while the other is objectifying and insulting and neither gender should treat each other that way. Women and men can sleep with whomever they want whenever they want, I really don't care. The fact is, you shouldn't just treat people like all they're looking for is sex. Most people would be flattered if a guy or a girl were to give me a real compliment instead of the verbal equivalent of dropping your pants.

I was trying to promote discussion but seeing as this thread is dead anyway, I'm walking away. You're entitled to your opinion and I'm sorry if you took things the wrong way. I don't blame you for an angry response but I am surprised. I don't claim to be right or perfect but you can't fault me for having an opinion. I'm not perfect but I also don't represent anything or anyone.

Men are shitty, women are shitty, people are shitty. It's life. I just try to figure it all out and I'm not saying anyone is right. With all the hate and attacks from the anti group it just bothers me when people turn on their own. I'm not saying you're wrong, just that we have very different world views. I'm not going to swear or punch you but I would buy you a beer and figure out why we look at the world so differently.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread