Drama regarding a man who ate another man's head (seriously) in /r/Canada...

I read this thread 2 days ago and chose not to respond but, Jesus, a lot of you, including the OP don't understand mental illness. You can talk about how you understand because "depression and anorexia" but that's NOT the same as full-blown schizophrenia. That's where the stigma comes from. Most people aren't afraid of the depressed or anorexic. They're more afraid of those they can't identify with. Many, if not most, people have issues with depression or anxiety or food. Few have experience with delusions or a complete loss of personal accountability. Again, THIS is where the stigma originates. This guy wasn't himself. He was NOT RESPONSIBLE. I've been in a delirium due to infection. I didn't do anything criminal but I certainly wasn't in control of anything I thought or did. I woke up going "wtf am I doing" and I was 10 years old. Again, you are not responsible for actions perpetrated when you are psychotic. That's what the verdict NCR means. This guy should be free and he's free under some supervision. I have no problem with this. And contrary to popular opinion, he did nothing wrong. He wasn't in his right mind. This could happen to any of us given the right circumstances. Not just schizophrenia but delirium which can occur with a simple infection. Do you think you should be locked away because you had a bug in your urine? Sigh Sorry, OP. I've been depressed, anxious, had eating issues. Does not compare. Try to empathize a little. And yes, I empathize with the victim and his family but as far as I'm concerned it's more like an act of nature. The perpetrator is not evil, he was sick.

The reason I'm responding now is due to this thread: https://np.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/47oy7g/man_who_beheaded_greyhound_passenger_wins_right/

And I'm happy to see a lot of educated, reasonable responses.

/r/SubredditDrama Thread