[Drama]Sam Biddle would be proud- SJWs bully 2 artists into canceling their comic

You know what the best thing about this is? The first complaint has Japanese in it, right? Well, as someone who speaks Japanese fluently, I can tell you that it's actually grammatically incorrect.

But it reads: "If you don't want to, use your own culture. Or there are numerous other cultures around the world."

Gotta love how, to feel superior to someone, they tried using Japanese, but then fucked it up. Good job!

(For those who speak Japanese and are curious what the mistake was, それとも世界で他の文化が色々があるんだろう. There shouldn't be two が particles there like that. Clear mark of someone who doesn't understand basic Japanese.)

Without of course taking the REAL PROBLEM of 'I studied Japanese in College' as an ACTUAL ANSWER THE ARTIST GAVE WHEN given criticism

First off, that was likely in response to the "terrible kanji" they were told they wrote. Which looks fine to me. I could read it quite easily.

Second, the person said they have a bachelor's degree in Japanese. That's far different from "I took a few classes in college". As someone with a degree in Japanese, let me lay a few things out for you.

  • You spend just as much time studying things like Japanese history and culture as you do studying the language itself.

  • You find yourself reading Japanese literature (sometimes in the original language, sometimes not) as requirements for certain courses.

  • Most colleges require at least a four month study abroad to Japan as part of the curriculum. This by no means makes that person an expert on Japanese culture, but generally would suggest that they know more about it than the average whiny tumblerina.

So seriously, those people need to fuck the hell off.

...it would have been nice to see them try to take the crit and work through it...

Yeah, because that would've gone well. They barely got off the ground and they already had dozens of people complaining, solely on the basis that they were white people writing about Japan. I somehow don't see that getting any better.

I don't think the issue is 'not set in Japan' as much as 'I, a Non-Japanese, know more about it than you do, JPN Anon'

That person who typed that was NOT Japanese. Sorry. A Japanese person wouldn't include spaces to separate their thoughts in a sentence. And they wouldn't misuse basic particles. But I'm glad to see the assumption is "I saw moon runes! They must be Japanese!"

this "critic" peroson who is accusing of wrong usage of Kanji,is using totally wrong Japanese...

Ding ding ding!

Im Japanese who reads only US/UK comicbooks and have seen lots of wrong JP lang there,I do NOT think any1 offended

What a shocker. White people getting offended for another culture? Nah! /s

your partner literally said “that’s pretty messed up” in response to the ask. you really can’t defend this.

It is pretty fucking messed up that people online are basically saying white people can't make any art that takes place in other countries! Or even just certain special ones!

Honestly, I'm kinda disappointed in the artists. I personally don't know how I would've handled it, but I feel like they needed to defend their work better. Or just ignore stupid shit like that.

/r/KotakuInAction Thread Link - storify.com