'Draw Muhammad' contest planned in Phoenix

Here is [ZetaTalk] on who & what is the intention behind the 'draw muhammad' contest:

  We have repeatedly pointed out that the elite in America would like martial law declared as soon as possible. The reason: they feel this would force the military to protect their enclaves and assets. George Soros failed in his efforts to push Russia back from the Ukraine and the Crimea, and has admitted he failed. But in the past he has had his successes so is arrogant. Investigative reporters have uncovered 33 million in Soros monies to spur rioting and protests in Fergusen and Baltimore. What is his real agenda here, and is there a relationship to the attempts to draw ISIS to the US with cartoons?

  George Soros, like Dick Cheney, imagines himself a kingmaker, someone above a king, akin to God, in being able to manipulate human society. If Cheney was able to manipulate the intelligence agencies to arrange 911 as an inside job, Soros uses his billions. Soros has failed once again, as Obama refused to rush into martial law to contain the riots and protests, directing the Department of Justice to quietly step in to correct police malfeasance instead. Deftly handled by Obama, just as the Ukraine flashpoints were deftly handled by Putin, who refused to be bullied or enraged.

  The Charlie Hebdo incident in France showed that it takes only a cartoon to incite a jihad. The incident in Texas, also using free speech as an excuse, was a test. Now we leap to Washington DC, the site of the US government, home to the President and Congress and Supreme Court. This is not a showing of cartoons in a building, it is to be displayed on busses and on subways, incessant insults to what has been shown is a firm religious rule in the minds of many radical Muslims. Why not just pour gasoline on Washington DC and thrown in a match?

  Who is behind the attempts to bring ISIS attacks to the US? Soros is known for supporting ultra-left organizations, including those supporting Islamic principles. When one aspires to be a kingmaker, the ability to INCITE a jihad is a card to be held. The elite desire to force Obama to declare martial law to defend their enclaves and assets is making strange bedfellows, as the ultra-right such as Israel support is involved too. If race riots and ISIS jihad do not do the trick, then First Amendment challenges

-- ZetaTalk Chat for May 30, 2015

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