A dream

I started at 18 with classic and spent a year doing nothing. Started to isolate myself and stopped caring about everything physically and mentally. As someone who spent so many hours grinding to be good in other games when I found out about tbc arena, rank 1 titles and the glad mount I was so ready to nolife it but my biggest worry was that I need a job to survive and support myself. If I really wanted to I could work at a warehouse for a couple months (I relate to the agency hopelessness) and save like crazy to pay rent which would cover costs but that is unsustainable and I need to have a stable healthy relationship with work and the world. Isolation didn’t bother me on my PC but at work it kills me! Mostly because other coworkers kept me in check with trying to be presentable. I actually thought about how arena is the perfect system it brings people together and gives the players the opportunity to treat people good or badly in that sense it’s a-lot better than holding back what you’re truly passionate about.

/r/nowow Thread