
how would we reground so we can work through/with and work out our karma (historic footpath) rather than ignoring our life (personal history) and spiraling off into total deterritorialization and loss-of-self?

Was that rhetorical?

If not, it depends on variables; what you mean here by "ungrounded" and what it is to "reground"? And also how ones 'type' of personality is organised in terms of body-mind relations and connections.

A perspective: by applying and living through methods, injunctions, from the (supernaturally) 'revealed' traditions (of the supernal 'Center' that is everywhere, and no-where) that emphasise the relational mind-body matrix ("me-tricks"); yoga, Tai Chi, Chi Gong, breath meditation (anapanasati), and so on relatedly. These tend to reverse or inverse, recapitulation in a psychobiological sense, ones 'I' cohering and immersively attached or colonised through abstracted ideation and ego-I identification (is this a characteristic of your "ungrounded schizogenic hovercraft"? or am I completely missing your intended meaning there?), into increased holistic connectedness and identification, a circuit of connectedness or 'orbit' of attention and awareness is established that is mutileveled, expansive and linked, erasing or lessening blocks in the 'flow' between and across ones psycho-emotionological body-mind (-spirit) identity. The spectral 'I' that is becomes more transparent, attenuated, but also increasingly grounded through this embodied relational emphasis (the practice, whatever it is), the feeling, sensation and emotional dimension of ones self, increasingly accessible and apparent across a calm plane of inner/outer awareness.

This, alongside therapies of a Western nature with an emphasis in the body and emotional-mental transpositions and transliterations, through affective attention and holding in the therapeutic alliance (relational, limbic), of "the container and the contained", and image sensitivity and translation (symbolic process).

Something of a paradoxical nature unfolds; one both deterrorialises and re-territorialises simultaneously. A groundedness in ones Self (embodied here, but extensive into extradimensional awareness) occurs, coexistent to emotional cohesion and detachment from the 'play' of the world.

But I can only presume you know all of this, as would many others around this forum (well versed in varying religious traditions, method and models)..

/r/sorceryofthespectacle Thread