Dressing for 'Violin Hips' or 'Hip Dips'

You can't be non-binary and trans, that declaration is at odds with itself...

By claiming that there is some gender spectrum and saying you're non-binary, you're actually attacking the credibility of transsexual men and women across the Earth (who have over 100 years of medical theory and study behind them versus your made up terminology). And by pushing this agenda to the public you're increasing tension toward transsexual people - because when attacks and murders happen it's always against us! With some knife wielding bigot muttering about "gender-lobster" theory...

I can wear my boyfriend's clothes without feeling dysphoric because I've resolved this issue through surgeries, but even if I walk out the door that's doesn't make me non-binary or gender fluid!

For trans men and women, transition is a game changer for our happiness.. but it's hormones and/or surgeries that resolve our dysphoria.. that's how we find comfort within ourselves, non-transitioning peeps will often take hormones still, because it's so important in alleviating that constant pain.. our brain is at odds with our bodies! Not our fashion sense...

Gaaah!! You people just don't get it!

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