I drink 3 beers every night.

To me, the quantity, frequency, drink of choice, ABV all means nothing. It’s once the obsession has your mind that you’re cooked. After that point it’s hard to ever get back to a place of true freedom in your drinking life.

So if you’re on here asking about your 3 beer a night because it worries you, then it’s likely already got you by the mind. Once the habit of drinking has your mind, whether drinking or not drinking, it’s hook line and sinker. The mental obsession is, by my humble estimation, the real addiction. I’m 94 days without a drink today. Zero physical addiction left in me. Just the mental obsession. I will also add that I have COVID right now, and since quitting 94 days ago, I haven’t craved a drink. But having COVID for some weird ass reason has me wanting to get drunk as fuck.

Good luck! And honestly, if you’re having those 3 beer tonight, dedicate one to me, cause’ I could really use it right now!

/r/stopdrinking Thread