Drinking alcohol daily speeds up brain aging by one week per session

No, cocaine and crack cocaine have the same active compound, the difference is only in the intake method like smoking and eating weed. Speed is the same drug as meth again only difference is the intake method (amphetamines are even used as medicine, alcohol hasn't been used as medicine for centuries). I can tell you from experience that both speed and cocaine won't make you addicted even after tens of uses (if you aren't an addictive person). I can also tell you from experience that drinking has a much more damaging effect on the body than any other drug, you can awake after a night of a heavy coke binge without a single problem, whereas alcohol hangovers make you wish you were dead.

Withdrawal symptoms for heroin are overblown in the media, in reality they are a slight fever and temperature that lasts for a few days, the problem with addiction is usually just psychological. Alcohol is the only drug in the world where withdrawal symptoms can kill you.

Alcohol is definitely a harder drug than cocaine and anyone saying otherwise has drank too much of the propaganda kool-aid. Government in russia had to ban alcohol in cleaning products because the addicts were drinking it since it was cheaper than vodka, when the ban passed some died because they didn't realise the cleaning products changed and were poisonous if that isn't the same or worse than addicts of "hard drugs" I really don't know what to tell you.

/r/Nootropics Thread Parent Link - insider.com