Driving a nice car while black. More info in comments.

This is frightening. I definitely got secondhand anxiety. And the people on the outside had no right to do what they did. But what the old man says about how the lady was saying this guy stole her car and how he reacted kinda makes sense? Like, you know how in movies where a woman gets her purse stolen? You don’t stop to interrogate the woman to make sure it’s actually hers. You run and try to catch the guy who stole the purse. And while there’s a guy on the hood and the driver is still driving, I would be scared for the guy on the hood. I would feel like it would be my fault if the guy got hurt. Though the guy shouldn’t have been on there in the first place!!! This whole situation could’ve played out differently if people would listen and not discriminate. It sickens me that this happened.

Though did this old man know the other people? If he did then I’m completely wrong on this.

Still not okay.

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