Drug-addicted and mentally ill half-sister is making our lives a nightmare, particularly my unwell father. Don't know what to do. (Long Rant).

Hey, you didn't offend me, it's all good. However, I wasn't helped out a lot in terms of going overseas... I saved up money working whilst in high school, which I had to commute 2.5 hours each way to get to. I left at 4:45AM and returned at 10:30PM 5 days a week whilst balancing doing the IB programme and still graduating with top marks. It bothers me that people assume I was handed this opportunity that I created for myself. My half-sister on the other hand was given $200k to buy a house which she trashed a few years ago, so yeah.

You are right, though, I don't really care much about her. She's never made an effort to be close to my family and has emotionally abused my father over the course of many years. Prior to her living here, I saw her once every 2 or so years when she needed something from my dad, so she's like a stranger to me. I also left out the part in my OP that she almost cut my ponytailed hair off a few weeks ago. I've even tried to help her with setting up her own business to make a little money on the side 'cause I initially felt sorry for her, but she screwed me over.

I also initially gave her gifts such as taking her to meditation classes and various other things to try and help, but I've been worn out. So apologies if I sound overly bitter towards her in the OP, there's a lot I haven't mentioned, but I did initially try and support her. You have to understand that we've been raised as strangers and not sisters, but I have tried. It's also hard since she's making up terrible accusations such as telling people that our father is abusive. Also, she's actually not my dad's biological daughter, thanks to a paternity test he did 7 years ago, but my dad still accepted her, so I call her my half-sister even though there's nothing there. :/

I'm not sure what WIC is, but I'm sure she doesn't have insurance (I also don't think she has custody of her son). My dad paid for her recently to get a painful tooth extracted through a private clinic or something because the public waiting list was too long. Not sure about the $40k figure, though, you may be right and it could be an exaggeration (I wasn't here and it's what my dad told me, but I'm sure it wouldn't be that far off).

I do want to see her get the help she needs, but she won't accept that she needs it. My family doesn't want to give her cash since she spends it questionably, but is in a position to pay for treatment, she just won't take it. I did try researching it, but I couldn't find whether we could involuntarily commit her in our state or I didn't understand the legal jargon, which is why I'm here. I also wanted to vent and see if anyone has had a similar experience, and I just don't know what we can doooo.

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