'The Drug Whisperer': Drivers arrested while stone cold sober

You guys make it way more spurious than it really is. And it's real easy to say you'd end a friendship here on reddit, less practical in reality.

He's a good cop. Spent four hours talking down a suicidal man when he had no legal obligation, since the guy was in his own house. First on the scene of an OD and saved that girl's life. He is also a veteran. He treats people with a lot of respect, and is in no way involved with this Officer Carroll "Drug Whisperer".

Not to mention he took me in when I spiraled out on drugs and would've been homeless. Was the only one there for me after my parents died.

So he offers ONE opinion I don't agree with and you expect me to just cut him off forever? The fuck is wrong with you people? Loved ones deserve more patience and understanding than that.

Now, if he ever joins this DUI task force and starts arresting innocent people, then I would absolutely have to reconsider our relationship. But right now he's just a rookie cop who admires his superiors, and he's always been easily manipulated, so I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

/r/nottheonion Thread Parent Link - ltx.com