DRUGS! What are your thoughts?

I grew up with an alcohol-dependent parent, and that turned me off drinking for life. I haven't had a drink since my 18th birthday and I felt like I could finally tell that parent "No, I don't want to drink with you any more."

That attitude also extended to other mind-altering drugs. I didn't like what I saw at home when someone lost control due to drinking, and I never wanted to be like that myself, so I was strongly against taking any drugs. I never had marijuana, or ecstasy, or speed, or any of the other drugs that my peers enjoyed when I was young.

I used to go out clubbing a LOT and I loved dancing and all that stuff, but I always did it totally sober. I still remember one time when a guy came up to me in a nightclub and asked me to sell him one of whatever I was on. He assumed I was obviously high because I was having a good time dancing. When I told him I was only drinking water, he got very angry at me! :)

I was never a crusader, though. I always knew it was just MY preference not to partake of these things. If YOU want to take them, then go for it.

However, I reserve the right not to be around you when you're drunk or stoned or high. I don't want to be dealing with that shit. Come back when you're sober.

Politically, I'm in favour of full legalisation and regulation and taxation of all drugs. You should be able to buy drugs safely and know how much active agent is in a pill or a joint, just like with alcohol. You shouldn't have to pay money to criminal organisations to buy drugs. We should tax drugs to pay for the health costs associated with drug-taking (I'm in Australia: we have taxpayer-funded healthcare).

So, I'm not against drugs in general, but I won't take them myself and I prefer not to be around someone if they're on drugs.

And smokers stink. Don't even try to kiss me if your mouth smells & tastes like an ashtray.

/r/gayyoungold Thread