Drunk driver coming out of overturned car. Two 'accidental" shots to the neck. Deceased.

LOL ya know what? You are in deep, deep denial, my friend. But that's okay... I really don't care. First off, they aren't communicating any ISSUE from what I can tell. THAT IS WHAT I AM SAYING. As for giving it attention, what you don't realize is that there is good attention, and bad attention. Someone on another post said that it is about black people thinking that they're treated like second class citizens? Several others said it was something completely different. TRULY, if it is black people feeling like they're second class citizens, I'm not joking: I couldn't give less of a fuck. They will never feel like they're real humans. They have no idea what they want to feel like they're real humans. Some want money LOL. Some want free college. Some want "get out of jail free" cards. Who fucking knows. But this "problem" (their problem, not mine) will never go away. They will always feel this way.

If it's one of the countless other things that it is supposedly about, I can bet I don't care about it either. I just think it is funny, that's all. If you think that means it's working, then agree to disagree bud. =) Or here, I can pretend you're right and we can end this painful exchange that I'm not exactly enjoying. Here...

Oh wow! You're right!

/r/watchpeopledie Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com