Drunk roommate just admitted to using my food in the fridge, then made the excuse she thought we were "community using."

You silly fool, she played you by making up fake rules and hiding behind them and you.

Then she mocked your standard emotions, thereby encouraging you to 'tone it down' the next time she steals from you and you over react.

Brilliant social gaming on her part.

I don't fall for that, because whenever I 'borrow' stuff from people, I always tell them, and either replace it and pay them back.

People that 'borrow' but never pay me back don't usually last long here, because they know that's just not how it happens.

If she's an alcoholic, they will do things because they're alcholic, and justify it later. That's just what they do.

What you need to do, is let them know that 'they can pay you back'. You've already stated here that 'you can't afford to NOT be paid back', so you will be paid back one way or another.

Asking a drunk her to pay you back is like asking a stoned person to turn down the music. They're just not in the mental state to comply. You have to enforce consequences either way, especially when it comes to monetary issues like food.

/r/badroommates Thread