[DTK] Why is impact tremors bad?

As others have said, it doesn't really affect the board, and the reason why is that it's not good from a card advantage point of view. There are 3 major systems of resource evaluation in Magic, which are card advantage, tempo, and damage (Philosophy of fire). You can use a search engine to learn more about these theories. Here's an article on card advantage to get you started: http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/lo/basics-card-advantage-2014-08-25
While Impact Tremor does above rate in the damage/Philosophy of Fire department, it fails from the card advantage and tempo perspective. For card advantage, you'll want to think about how easily your cards can trade for your opponent's cards. At minimum, I envision my opponent's card as a 2 mana 2/2 or a morph, which is roughly the worst card I can envision in a good opponent's deck. (You may want to envision a higher standard for your high-mana cards). Impact Tremors can never trade for a 2 mana 2/2, and it's also unlikely that the opponent will have or cast a destroy enchantment effect. That means that it's likely to lose card advantage.
Tempo is complicated (and there are many kinds of it), but one way to think about it is how much mana you have in creature equivalents. Impact Tremors is not equivalent to a creature, so you spent 2 mana to get 0 mana worth of tempo.
Cards that are only good at damage and bad in the other two categories are very situational. For example, they're great when your opponent is at a low life total. They're about as good as a literal blank card when your opponent's life total is under no pressure. You'll need a really focused deck that enables the best case for these cards to make these cards good. It's very difficult to do this in limited. (Even in constructed, it's not always clear that it's worth the trouble.) Most people focus on building up long-term advantages (including in damage output) via card advantage. Card advantage is like investing in mutual funds - less spending money now, more money down the road. Impact Tremors is like getting a cash advance on your credit card. More spending money now, less money down the road. This is a lot riskier than the long-term strategy of card advantage.

/r/magicTCG Thread