Dual partnership LLC. Other owner wants to apply for PPP, I don't.

Listen, I've been on my own without parents before I turned 18. I had NO choice but to learn how to "survive". I chose to set myself up right so I could have a life. In no means am I "comfortable". I literally work to survive. I am the definition of poor. Student loans, rent, car repairs, food. That's it. I don't buy clothes. I can't afford a "hobby". I don't go on vacation. I don't eat out. I put all that money away into an account for emergencies. Because I'm not about to have my life cut short because there is "no way out".

I started my career a year before I graduated because I had passion, dedication, and business ethic. It worked. It worked VERY WELL.

He's been in this field of work 4x as long as I have. He's been in this struggle for that entire time, and before that. You know why? Because he made a bad choice at an early age and it cost him his life. Literally.

Why did WE partner up? Because he had the clients and connections to expand and the degree that complimented mine. I have all of the technical experience. The social and professional aspect our clients need. It worked. We had experience together beforehand. I knew the risks and the situation that cost him his life. Literally partnering with him could cost me everything I have ever worked for. I have been thanked countless times for putting the business on forward trajectory. Without this fresh mind, his end would've forever been a "sweaty startup" without forming a true business. He understands, believe me. I'm thanked for understanding his "fuck ups" and forgiving him of the mistakes. This isn't some ego thing of mine. There's a drawer of letters and emails with it all.

I could've formed a sole-proprietor on my own. Granted, there are many days where I think about packing my bags and starting from square one on my own again. I can take the time loss from it. But he's a ticking time bomb and however long he can continue to physically work for is unsure. So I am choosing to stay with it for his benefit, not mine. He gets the higher salary, why? Because. That's literally it, just because. Hell, at this point we could contract out his work out to someone else without a degree or background and pay them considerably less. I pay 50% of the tax for our business, despite him taking the bigger salary.

So, for a bunch of strangers on the internet to comment on how I lack compassion, learn the story first. This was never meant to be a post devoted to this.

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