Dual Universe Steam page is up

Check the /r/dualuniverse subreddit - a lot of it is out in the open. There was/is talk about a total wipe. One of the biggest issues is resource availability and one of the problems I was running into even a year ago was a lack of higher tier resources that had not been claimed.

There is a lot of PvP drama as well - the PvP in this game is janky AF, and at some point people were basically cheating by stacking ship components on top of each other as an exploit that made for some really OP ships. Not sure if they fixed that.

There is drama around the future of the game and financial stability of the company.

Like I said, it's a mess but you can probably find a lot of it out in the open on the subreddit.

/r/pcgaming Thread Parent Link - store.steampowered.com