Dude is cutting down a tree when he cuts through a hive inside the tree.

Ok guys relevant story here (WARNING: A LITTLE GORE-Y)

So I was about 11 in 2004, and went into my neighbors woods in the late winter when everything began to thaw (I live in the midwest). So me, my dads, his two friends (Lets call them pete and scooter, good ol' lumberjack names), and one of their sons all went to find and cut down some wood for boards (they even made bats out of some of the wood and sold it to some club baseball teams for a discount). They find a good one that looks like it's been dead for a while, and decide to cut it down and pull it out. Scooter revs up the chainsaw and goes to town. However, he only gets about half way before the saw cuts out. He's scratching his head at why the damned thing won't start up again, so he takes my dad's saw while my dad fixes the other one.

Now as Scooter is about 3/4th of the way through, my dad opens up a panel to check on the whole chain. He mouths "what in the fuck" as he pulls out almost a fistful of fur. Just as he's about to stop his friend, but he's cut everything up and the things just about to fall.

Well, interestingly enough, as the thing falls, so do a bunch of raccoon intestines. He'd sawn clear through the middle of a raccoon that had somehow found his way into the base of the tree.

As we stared in amazement, we head bunch of screeching from the base of the tree. Was the thing still alive? Jesus Christ. Noope. We see a bunch of small raccoons pour out of the top of the tree. Appearently the thing was pretty much hollow, so much for using that for making boards….

Anyway, we chase most of the shits down and put em in a box, the things had no idea what they're doing because they were so young. There was only one adult in the tree, and we had went all Jigsaw on the motherfucker. We called the humane society, they said they couldn't take em. We call the wildlife agency, they said we should of touched the things. Big help guys (assholes…). We had no idea what to do. We fed em some broccoli, but we couldn't really keep them all. There some some coyotes in the area too, so it was either be eaten of starve for them...

So, I'm just gonna bear the sad news onto everyone: We fed them to Pete's dogs. Much better than the thought of a wild Cyote playing with the things and tearing them apart, but heart-breaking nonetheless for little 11 year old me. However, Scooter has had a pet raccoon before (I've told this story before in a thread), and decides to keep one, which is still living and incredibly friendly to everyone he meets. He loves to cuddle :D

Soo that's it. Animals in trees, nothing much you can do.

/r/gifs Thread Link - i.imgur.com