Dude Freaks Out Because Entitled Lady Tried To Cut The Drive Thru Line At Taco Bell (She Wasn’t Served/Dude Who Freaked Out Got A Free Taco As A Reward)

In other words, you have no actual argument because you're wrong. Thus, you just have to act all condescending because you know you have no actual counterargument to what /u/awataurne said.

Do you also think retail employees work for you because your purchases pay their salaries? Do you also think that teachers work for you because your taxes pay their salaries? Do you also think the doctors at your local hospital work for you because your taxes partially pay their salaries and you pay them when you visit?

Unless you have a contractual agreement that you're someone's boss or have authority to oversee their work, they do not "work for you," irrespective of the fact that you indirectly or directly pay a portion of their salary.

The police are not your personal servants, despite the fact that they are paid with your tax dollars. You do not personally control the government, despite the fact that it is funded with your tax dollars. You may have a say in how the government and police are run (e.g., by voting). But the police do not work for you.

/r/JusticeServed Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it